Saturday, April 04, 2009


Wow life changes in the blink of an eye.. sometimes good sometimes bad, but always in God's hands.

I have been learning a lot about myself these last few months and have been reading a lot and trying to find my purpose in this world. Everyday I think about what it is that I need ot do to make God happy and to raise my daughter the right way. Turns out this is a hard thing if I strive for perfection. I have learned that Jesus IS the only perfect one and there will never be another another one. Not even Jessie. So I need to not try to be perfect I need to be ME.

And dang it, I'm a pretty cool chick! :-)

Enough of my ranting!

Here whats been going on.

Brian's got a new girlfriend Audrey, Maggie really likes her ( thank god) I'm sure the blogging world has noticed her blog. Maggie is plastered all over it! and honestly, I'm cool with it,some have mentioned that it is a little odd and slightly inappropriate but hey, they like each other and she seems to be a good girl, so I say BLOG AWAY!!!

Maggie is taking Karate lessons, AND she hates them! :-) she's slightly ADD and I'm not sure that is for her, she thinks it should be more like the Karate Kid and she should paint fences and wax on wax off, and do the swan. I love that kid.

Today we met her Soccer Coach, she is on the Thunder cat's team. I love that, I think I'm gonna have Snarf put on the back of her T-shirt. She starts practice this Wednesday at 7 and she has a game every week. I think she will love this. Plus she will be able to RUN!!!!

As for me..
I'm good. Since the last post, things have changed. Things with Matt are over..

All my adult life I has chosen boys that I have to fix, relationships where the other person is in need of help or being fixed. I have always been the giver and the other person has always been the taker.. the important people in my life say, being the giver isn't a bad thing as long as you are coupled with the right person. Turns out.. I'm not a very good person picker. I only see the good. It would be nice, just for once I ne the rescued one, the one who gets taken care of Blah Blah Blah!!!

recently, I have been surrounding myself with Good people. people who don't need fixing or told how to treat me. Although I love helping, it's great for my 812-207 number not to be the crisis hot line :-)

It's also nice to know that there are men out there who are interested in getting to know me AND Maggie. Heck, they may even invite us to watch a basketball game and eat queso, or go to dinner on a Saturday night..

So, that's whats been happening in the Smith/Wimsatt household!

Peace out homies!

I will leave you with Mag Dog's Easter pictures!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Funeral

Today was my Uncle JB's funeral, it was sad as they usually are, but it kills me to see my grandma sad. Jay was my grandma's oldest brother, she called them playmates.

Yesterday at the viewing, Grandma, Aunt Chris, Steven Jay and I were at the casket, Chris ( who is now completely blind) say to Steven her son, "Steven, how does he look?" and Steve started to cry... then Grandma chimed in, with that ultra calming and soothing voice that she has and says, Chris, he looks like Jay, he's at peace. I lost it... it hurts so bad to think Chris the aunt that is so much the rock of our family is now so dependent on everyone.

There were a lot of cousins there that I either never met or haven't seen since I was little, they all said I look just like my mom and some of them even cried when they saw me... I have that affect on people :-)

Although, it was a very sad day and I hated it. It was great to see all my family, I have realized today that the 35 minute drive to them isn't too far to make, EVER!!!

Matt went with me for support and he was great, at one time when they were singing, I started to cry, he didn't say anything, he just gently reached over and held my hand tightly.. those are the moments with him that I love, when he doesn't say anything, but says so much.

Afterwards we went to eat with Linda and Cara and the kids + Courtney. Matt and Cara even exchanged a few laughs :-) things are looking up they will be BFF before you know it.

that's all for today, I promise to be positive in my next post :-)
Pray for our family, there is a lot of unfinished business.

Friday, October 24, 2008

This just in....

one of the fish is dead,so we now have 1. Rest in peace Daphney, we will remember you always, or until you are replaced before the kids get home... maybe they won't notice! :-)

I'm back......

Hello all my loyal blog fans, I am back. There has been so much going on in my world here lately.. too much to catch you up on.

My recently Maggie had a birthday she is 5 years old now.... I guess that makes me a grown up?!?!? i don't feel it.

Maggie and I have moved in with Cara and the kids, we have officially became the bradey bunch :-)

I got a promotion at Heartland and I am now Division Service Maanager of Alabama.. I love it

My dad finished his hot rod, it's awesome!! I'm not allowed to touch it and can NEVER drive it :-)

Brittany was on homecoming court and Cara and I drove her and Cody in the parade, it was so much fun.. she's grown into a beautiful young lady, so much like me..tear! j/k

I've been dating someone very special to me, his name is Matt. that's all I'm going to say about him, there is lots of drama in the LBC if you know what I mean :-)

Cara got her galbladder taken out because she has a crush on the hot doctor.

Maggie is going to be Dorothy for halloween and our Yorkie is going to be toto.

I can't think of much more to update you fine people on....

So, back to my regular posts.

Yesterday at lunch;

K so yeaterday I went to lunch was going to meet Matt but decided last minute I was going to run errands instead and would just see him later that night. So... I go to the bank fill out my deposit slip put my check and slip in the canister and TRY to put it back in the thing, but dropped then rolled under my car, I had to back up to try and get out to get it and I ran over it, then... I go to subway and get lunch, they are out of my bread, I get my veggie sub and rock and roll down the road I go. UNTIL, I get stopped by construction, Matt was on the phone talking about his job so I decided to eat y lunch, as I opened my sub most all the veggie, fell under my car seat, and being of such short stature, I couldn't reach them, this whoe time, Matt is on speaker phone. I try and try to reach them making obvious grunting and aggravated faces when I raise up to see a construction crew, staring and laughing at me, I smiled and kept eating :-) THEN I get to work, by now I'm kinda in a hurry, I go to get out of the car and the insanely high heel get stuck on the pant cuff anf I fall out of my car.. thank gooness no one saw me. Shew... maybe next time I will just meet Matt for lunch :-)

Friday, January 04, 2008

This my friends is the Truffle Shuffle!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

My Story!

No one cares about my personal life, I have no anonymous letters and no negative comments( except from Cara) all of you who experiencing this... you should feel somewhat of a celebrity.

I want an anonymous letter on my door step preferable from a secret admirer if anyone has an inkling to do so, please feel free to give me a ring as well! ;-)

Happy New Year!!

Ok so, it's been a while, but ya know.... it's like riding a bike, except riding a bike doesn't require you to remember your password! ;-) Good thing I can remeber my daughters name and the year she was born, oh crap, I just gave away my secret, now I have to chnage my passwords to everthing. maybe I'll use my name and my birthday! Hmm.... no one will guess that!

Here are the happenings in our lives...

Maggie is starting day care next week. She has been going to her great grandparents for the past 4 years and although they are amazing and have been a HUGE blessing, I really think it is time for her to go to daycare and learn to be with other kids her age besides Lauren, Landon, and Hailey.

I LOVE my new job. It's kinda challenging at times, but I love it. I now do Petro and valutec. What I love about that is you guys have no idea what I'm talking about, but I'm an expert! ;-)

I have a mouse and it freaks me out every day. My friend Matt came over the other night to set some traps and I may have almost knocked him over running in the living room to jump on the couch.. That would have been funny to see ;-) I know it stares at me evertime I go in my kitchen. On top of that, Maggie has a kitten who does NOTHING!! besides eat and poop.

Landon pees in the potty all my himself. I videotaped it, but all you can hear is Cara and I and our horrible wheezy laughs because we were super ill. We sounded like 70 year old chain smokers.

My dad bought Elaine an English Bulldog for Christmas. He is precious. His name is Festus

Baby Max can crawl

My dad is finished with his car, he restored a 1938 Ford. It's amazing! Kinda like me! I'm kidding! I'm cooler! ;-)


Cara is now Cara ALLEN!!!!!!

Pictures will follow, Jessie is back.

oh, I forgot to tell you, I got a Truffle Shuffle T-shirt for Christmas! SCORE!!!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

We're still here... sorry!

Things have been CRAZY here... I started a new job, that I prayed and prayed about, Linda, Cara, and I have decided to all switch houses, Linda is moving in with Cara, i am moving into Linda's and Brittany is moving in with her mom... This weekend we plan on moving the BIG stuff, with the help of some very nice fellas.

Job- I started on Monday Aug. 6th at Heartland Payment Systems, the same place that Cara, Beth, Linda, Heather, Jessie D, Kristie, Tammy, and lots of other people in my life work. I can already tell that I am going to like it, God is good! This move was a HUGE answered prayer! ;-)
Already, I've had a lunch date with Beth and one scheduled with Kristie tomroow, I'm still waiting for my invite from Cara and the girls....

The houses- This weekend, Josh Spencer and his brothers are helping us all move! our BIG stuff! I hope those boys eat their wheaties that day, my stuff is heavy! ;-) Then the rest of the weekend and all next week, I plan on moving the smaller stuff and Painting... shew! So... if anyone would is interested in moving, painting, babysiting, or cleaning.... let me know, I know where all the action will be! ;-)

Lots more to come, sorry no pictures, somehow, all that I have taken the past couple weeks, have been deleted, I found my camera in Brittany's room, and she has NO idea how it got there or how the pictures got deleted OR how the batteries are dead! WEIRD!!!!! ;-)

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Random Pictures

I decided to Go through Maggie's toys and decide what needed to go to GoodWill and what could stay, Maggie thought she would help me while I finished dinner, by dumping them all out on her floor so I could "see them better" it looked like ToysRus threw up in her room! SERIOUSLY!!!Here are some pictures of the Fair! I just found my camera... sorry for the delay! cute cousins ;-)

Ladies and Gentlemen.... just confirmed, Junior hates us! Just look at his face! ;-)
but Maggie loves her aunt April

Roller coaster Hailey and Lauren!
That is one good look'n bunch of kids!
~Notice Maggie has staked claim on Cameron and is looking around to make sure all the other 3 year old girls at the fair see!
She's very territorial! ;-)